
Class of 1952 Hears Conant Talk at Union

Key Sends Dartmouth Tickets to Dances

President Conant adds a stop at the Union to his traditional round of informal "off the record" talks to undergraduates when he addresses the Freshman Class tomorrow night for the first time.

The meeting, presented under the Crimson key Society, starts at 8 p.m. in the Union dining hall. Prior to the conclave, Freshman Dean Leighton will held a supper in the upstairs dining room with President Conant, Dean Bender, officers of the Crimson Key, and representatives of the Union.

President Conant's address climaxes he newly formed Key's Freshman orienation program. So far members of the Society have helped speed the '52 registration, set up an information booth in the Union to discuss College affairs, and sponsored a Student Activities Meeting with leaders of undergraduate organizations.

Dance Tickets to Dartmouth

Another Crimson Key project was announced yesterday by the Committee for Non-Athletic Visitors which is sending 90 tickets to Dartmouth for this weekend's post-game dances. Tickets for affairs at three Houses will be sold by Dartmouth's Green Key, with the proceeds returned to the College.


Looking ahead to the Yale weekend, Chairman Bruce Harriman '50 disclosed plans to send 300 tickets to New Haven for similar purposes. Another Eli weekend activity will be a centrally-located booth to supply alumni, undergraduates, and visitors with College information and assistance in locating friends.

Roving information Centers

Other members of the Key will roam through crowds as roving information centers.

Currently the Society operates an office in the Varsity Club offering all students information on College activities. "We think everyone, especially Freshmen, can learn a great deal from this center," President Gerald Y. Genn '48 said.
