
Harriers Off on Ram Hunt Today

When Jaako Mikkela vallantly sends his Varsity cross-country squad up against Rhode Island State this afternoon at Franklin Park, it's going to be strictly a matter of amateurs against professionals.

The pre's from Providence know how to run long distances. May be it's pure luck that they consistently have so much good material to work with, but that luck seems to be with them for at least another year. In today's 3:45 Varsity race, Boh Black, National AAU and IOIA champion, will go to the pole for the Rams. With him will be virtually all of the same team that took nine first places in last year's triangular meet that included Boston University.

Rhode Island boasted an exceptionally successful Freshman team last year. With all this material, the only question that Mikkola dared voice last night was his query as to where Rhode Island was going to put all its "best" runners.

Things don't look so one-sided, however, for the Crimson squad of Freshmen. They are, in themselves, a promising bunch of runners, and judging by the way they ran away from Tufts last Friday they may snatch a second win for the season this afternoon against Rhode Island.

Varsity runners: Cogan, Leeming, Welch, Albee, Carleton, White, Rosen, Dorton, Clarke, Ruby, Lovewell, and Leavitt.
