
Lamar Examines 111 Hopefuls for '52 Grid Eleven

Yardling football candidates drilled all afternoon yesterday until darkness and rain made it impossible to see or hold the ball. But at the end of it all, Coach Henry Lamar still had no more definite information about his team than four days ago when practice opened.

So far Lamar can drill only two complete elevens in open field work, since slowness in dishing out Freshman physical exams is keeping the majority of his candidates out of scrimmages. Four days is hardly ample time to sift out the 111 spirited prospects who still remain.

But while Lamar couldn't yet name any stars, he was pleased with the squad as a whole. "We'll field a strong team next week against Andover, but I have no idea yet as to who'll be on it."

A Chance For All

Though he has a number of men who list substantial previous experience, Coach Lamar says he is not relying on records alone by any means, and is planning to consider carefully every one of his candidates before he decides on his starting eleven late next week.


Punting practice and dummy work launched today's workout. Later in the afternoon, Lamar led one of his elevens in a short scrimmage with a Jayvee unit.
