
Eliot Will Retain Mains For 1948 Football Coach

Dolph Samborski named the coaches yesterday for House football squads, and Eliot already has stolen a march on its intramural rivals. Charley Mains, last year's masterful pilot who turned out an undefeated squad, will be back to continue his reign as the outstanding exponent of the "T" formation attack in the House league.

And returning with Mains will be almost all of the champion Elephant squad that he led to victory. Only Bob Adams and Bob Fisher, respectively all-House guard and Eliot tackler, are missing from this year's squad. The snappy backfield that the Elephants boasted last season remains intact with the return of "Fearless" Fred Ecker, Dave McGiffert, Dick Muessel, and George Golphin.

Gold Coasters Numerous

Adams House fielded the largest number of candidates in practice yesterday when over twenty Gold Coasters were on hand to fill out the total ranks of over 100 House gridmen. The squad from "A" House is slated to have James Waterhouse, a University graduate student, as its coach.

Dana Bresnahan will be at the reins for the Bellboys of Lowell, Leo Lanigan for Winthrop, and Richard Van Deusen for Kirkland. Coach Grabbe will be the brains behind the Bunny eleven this fall


A Wabash graduate, P.C. Leffel, fills the coaching slot at Dunster, and James P. Curtain at Dudley.

Registration Deadline

Dolph Samborski, Intramural Athletic Director, yesterday reiterated his ruling setting October 6 as the latest date for House football hopefuls to register. Players currently out for Jayvee or Varsity football who may decide to step down to the House League, will be exempt from the deadline ruling, Samborski added, assuming that they will already be in condition. He also explained that anyone "not prepared to practice at least three times a week" might as well forget to report for practice.

This fall's season will last from the week of October 10 until the week of November 7. A week's layoff is then planned for the winning House squad to get set for the visiting College squad from Yale in the annual and traditional clash between the two intramural champions. One game is currently planned for the Houses in the first and second week of the season, two games in the next, one in the following, and in the last week of play two games are again featured.
