(Following is the second list of absentee registration and voting procedures for the states Idaho through Oregon as prepared by the CRIMSON in conjunction with the Harvard American Veterans Committee. The states Alabama through Georgia were covered in yesterday's edition.
More detailed information on any state may be obtained at the Harvard AVC office at Phillips Brooks House or by phoning Kirkland 7-2496.)
IDAHO: Registration is permanent and may be made by writing to the county clerk in the county of residence. Absent voters can apply for a ballot by writing to the county clerk. Application must be made in time for the ballot to be sent, notarized, and returned to the county clerk at least one day before election.
ILLINOIS: Registration must be made IN PERSON. Previously registered electors may obtain an absentee ballot by writing to the county clerk or to a city board of election commissioners, 30 to 5 days prior to the election. The ballot must be notarized and returned to the appropriate official before the polls close on election day.
INDIANA: There is NO absentee registration in this state. Absent voters must apply to the clerk of the county of residence for an absentee ballot on a form furnished by the clerk. This form must be signed and sworn to by two resident voters of the absentee's precinct. All ballots must be notarized and returned before the polls close on election day. Veterans who have voted previously need not re-register.
IOWA: The affidavit on the return envelope sent with the absentee ballot is sufficient registration. Absentee ballots may be procured by writing to the county clerk in the county of residence for an application and ballot not more than 20 days before the elections. Ballots must be notarized and returned to the county auditor with the application prior to election day.
KANSAS: Registration must be made IN PERSON. Re-registration is necessary for any change of address within the state. Application for an absentee ballot may be made by writing to the county clerk of the county of residence before October 28, 1948. Ballots are to be notarized and returned to the county clerk before 9 a.m. on the Monday immediately preceding the election.
KENTUCKY: Application for original registration must be made IN PERSON at any time 50 days before the election. Absent voters already registered may apply for ballots on forms supplied by the clerk of the county court of the place of residence at any time not fewer than 10 days before an election. Ballots must be notarized and returned to the clerk of the county court before the polls close on election day. All veterans must register for the 1948 elections.
MAINE: Registration must be made IN PERSON. Absent registered voters may request ballots by mail to the city or town clerk of the place of residence or to the Secretary of the Commonwealth at any time before the election. Ballots are to be notarized and returned to the appropriate official 24 hours before the polls close on election day.
MARYLAND: There is NO ABSENTEE VOTING in this state.
MICHIGAN: All voters must register IN PERSON. Registration is permanent if the voter casts a ballot every four years. Absentee ballots may be obtained by writing to the city clerk or the board of county elections at the place of residence. Ballots are to be notarized and returned to the clerk of the county any time before the polls close on election day.
MINNESOTA: Registration is necessary only in 20 municipalities. Absentee voters may register by writing to the city clerk or the commissioner of registration for application forms. Application for absentee ballot may be made by writing the county auditor in the county of residence between 20 and 1 days before the election. All ballots to be notarized and mailed to the election judges in order to arrive on or before election day.
MISSISSIPPI: Permanent registration IN PERSON is required and all voters must pay an annual $2.00 poll tax. Registered voters may obtain ballots by writing to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county of residence 10 days before the election. Ballot must be notarized. The proper affidavit must also be filled in with the name of the voter who will set as the agent to deliver the ballot to precinct officials on election day. Veterans are not required to re-register unless local county officials have ordered it.
MISSOURI: There is NO ABSENTEE VOTING for residents out of the state.
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