
Wrestlers Face Seasoned Columbia Squad Upon Home Mats Tomorrow

Chief Boston and his unscored on grapplers spent the week in attitudes of uneasy expectancy for on Saturday afternoon crafty old Gus Peterson, dean of the Eastern wrestling fraternity, brings his Columbia team to the Indoor Athletic Building for a 3 o'clock workout. Cause of the Crimson worry was the team Peterson might put on the mat against them.

Last year Columbia ranked as one of the better teams in the East, whipped the Crimson 22 to 6, and went on to place fourth in the intercollegiates. This year all the men of the 1947 team except the 165-pounder are back at Morningside Heights, but the three top veterans have not competed for the Light Blue this winter. That Peterson might throw them against the Crimson is the issue.

The key match of the meet was billed as Harvard captain Pete Fuller vs, Eastern champion Hauk O'Shsughnessy; but apparently the six-feet-five Columbia heavyweight, although still in college, is not wrestling. The tentative lineup lists 200-pound John Becauakaa as Fuller's likely opponent.

At 175 Bob Clafiin will probably meet Bob Runyon instead of last year's against graduated Columbia ace, Horvath. At 165 Ray Rogers will wrestle his first meet of the year against experienced Lion Harry Kiender while Don Lauria has dropped down a class to take the place of injured Sandy Jones and will face Columbia's Bruce Gilman at 155.

Crimson 145-pounder Dan Ray in the tentative listings is scheduled to match Charles Gardner although Ken O'Shsughnessy of the 1947 team is still at Columbia. Buddy King will be at 136 for the Crimson against Phil Temke while at 123 Lee Nutt will face other Ralph Vrana or Sasha Komsa for Columbia, in the lightest class, the Crimson's planing flyweight Dave Coombs meets Joe Pettinatte
