
McCormick Aims Another Assault At College "Reds"

Two more attacks on University teaching methods poured forth from the Chicago Tribune Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

The first, under the headline, "Speech 'Free' for Harvard Professors," explained that the administration permits professors to say whatever they wish, thus following former President Lowell's definition of academic freedom.

Says Profs Sell Ideas

This latitude permits, the article continues, "many Harvard professors in out-of-class lectures to do their best to sell the Marshall plan, world federalism, Anglo-American union, and Henry Wallace to the students."

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. '88, associate professor of History, was brought into the Tribune spotlight again for having said, "Forthright support of the Marshall Plan is our only chance of creating a stable and democratic world."


The CRIMSON also was attacked for speaking only "for a small group of leftists in the student body," since it supports the Marshall Plan, internationalism, and criticizes American institutions.

Hite Regional Studies

International and Regional Studies received the brunt of Wednesday's article. According to the Chicago daily, Reds are supplying the "kits" for university education, particularly in this area. Moreover, "Eastern universities, always notorious in the higher education circles of the country for their internationalist sympathies; have placed themselves in the forefront of a movement to introduce regional studies of the world."
