
Two College Men, Cliffedweller Win $1000' Globe Memorial Fellowships

Two students from the College and one from Radcliffe were among the ten winners awarded $1000 Boston Globe World War II Memorial Fellowships for study and travel in Europe.

The announcement, released a day before Christmas, named Richard Haven '50, of Wolfebore, New Hampshire, and Winthrop House; James Francis Quceny '47, of Quincy, and Jean Huleatt, Radcliffe '48, of Natick and Whitman Hall.

Haven is concentrating in English Literature and has already been accepted at St. Peters College, Oxford University, where he will continue work in his field. During the war he served with an armored unit of the 7th Army, and at present is a member of the varsity fencing team.

Quceny is already studying at Trinity College, Dublin. The Globe Fellowship will enable him to work for a Doctorate of Philosophy in Literature, after which he plans to teach on a secondary school level. He was graduated from Thayer Academy and took his pre-war college years at Colgate. His Navy service record includes participation in the Normandy invasion and command of a terpedo boat.

Miss Huleatt majored in Political Theory at Radcliffe and will attend the Graduate Institute of International Studies, which is affiliated with the University of Geneva.
