
Varsity, Jayvees Split on 'Boston For Coach' Drive

More than 1100 undergraduates have climbed aboard the high-riding "Boston for head coach" bandwagon, Frank H. Powell '46, jayvee guard who is leading the campaign, reported last night after a week of extensive petitioning in the House and Union dining halls.

In addition to this figure, the jayvee spokesman claimed the support of two-thirds of the varsity grid squad, whose opinion is presumably worth a good deal. Although Powell did not reveal their names, he added that they had authorized him to inform Director of Athletics William J. Bingham '16 that they were in favor of placing Boston in command of the 1948 team.

Varsity opinion on the matter appeared to be divided, however, as sources close to the team pointed out that it "just isn't done. The janitor is never promoted above the secretary." In the current Crimson coaching heresy, Boston is outranked by Bob Margarita, Hal Kopp, and Harry Jacunski, Harlow's line and backfield assistants last fall.

Hal Muffle, varsity seatback, commented that Harlow's successor will "probably be a successful small college coach." Nevertheless, the jayvees planned to push the bandwagon harder than ever following the exam period full. They have decided against carrying their drive to the graduate schools and alumni for the present.
