
Exams Stimulate Local Beer Flow

Exam times are boom times for local beer palaces and hamburger halls according to an exhaustive poll made last night.

James A. Cronin, son of the noted Jim, exclaimed "how they are drinking! The boys bolt in, grab a large quantity of beer, bolt it, and fly back to their books. They don't stay long, but drink fast and plenty."

Swanny's Good Food has been doing a rush business between 12 and 2 o'clock. Undergraduates descend on the establishment at midnight and, ignoring juke box and waitresses, gobble a snack and leave. Joe, who forgot his last name years ago, waxed philosophical over the good business with "students can't live on print alone, and I'm glad they don't try."

More northerly establishments summed up their views in the words of O.G. proprietor Greenspan who defined the situation as "loused."
