
Jayvee and Yardling Teams Play on Three Fronts Today

Freshman and jayvee hockey and jayvee basketball go on a final pre-exam fling today on their home playing areas. The Yardling sextet tackles the Brown Cubs while the jayvees meet Newton High and the junior varsity takes on the Tufts Freshmen.

The Yardlings, playing their first game under a new coach and their last with the services of their high scorer, will be going all out for victory when they take the Arena ice at 7:15 o'clock against a Brown team rated one of the freshman powerhouses in the East.

Unbeaten as of last Friday, the Cub sextet will represent the Yardlings' first difficult game of the current season. Although the Crimson, too, boasts an undefeated slate, the triumphs have been mainly over local prep schools and high schools and tonight's clash will only be the team's second taste of intercollegiate competition.

Following the game, right wing Jack Carman, a second term Freshman, will leave the Yardling squad for the Varstiy. Greeley Summer has taken up the coaching reins dropped by Stan Priddy, who left last week to compete with the American Olympic team.

Jayvee Sextet Winless


The jayvee sextet, looking for its first win of the season, tangles with Newton at 3:30 o'clock at the Arena. In its first outing, the team was mauled by the B.U. Freshmen, 10 to 3.

Stunned by a 45 to 36 loss to a classy University of Connecticut quintet, the jayvee five will attempt to regain its winning ways tonight when its entertains the Jumbo Freshmen on the Indoor Athletic Building floor.

Coach Hal Kopp will asset with the same outfit that has racked up four who as against two losses. This includes guards Chuck Brynteson and Captain Dick Covey, forwards Bill Mobrastea and John Alteosld and center Frank Lionette
