
Freshman, Tongue in Cheek, Gets Glassy Stare in Union

Chewing his way through some apple pan dowdy in the Union yesterday noon, the Freshman suddenly bit into a small piece of window-glass. He took it to the waitress.

"That doesn't belong there," said the waitress. "Perhaps you'd better show it to Mr. Moran, the assistant steward."

"I can assure you it was unintentional," said Mr. Moran. "Perhaps you'd better show it to Mr. McNeil, the steward."

"It may even have been put there in Kalamazoo," said Mr. McNeil. "Perhaps you'd better show it to Mr. Heaman, the dining halls superintendent."

"That's nothing," said Mr. Heaman's secretary. "At Swarthmore I remember finding a lizard in my cole slaw. Perhaps you'd better show it to Mr. Durant, the University business manager."


President Conant was visiting some friends in Newton last night.

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