
Varsity Soccer Unit Surprises Scans, 6-1, In Practice Encounter

Compared to last year I'd say the team looked as though it were in mid-season form," was soccer coach James MacDonald's reaction to his team's showing in last Saturday's scrimmage with the Worcester Scandinavians on the Business School Field.

Four goals in the first half and two in the second added up to an unofficial 6 to 1 victory for the Crimson Varsity over the semi-pre eleven from the Boston District league.

MacDonald pointed out that his team still was a long way from championship form, however. "We were weak on our long passing game," he added, "and next week we'll have to do a lot of work on position play especially with the half back line."

Juniors Weak

Playing with a half junior, half senior team, the Scans were weak in the positions filled by their juniors. The juniors are not regular team members but only equivalent to apprentices. "Too bad we didn't bring more old players," was one senior's comment.


Bill Dawson, who started at left wing for the Varsity, was high scorer for the contest with two goals while the Crimson netted another goal from an inaccurate head by one of the zealous Worcester junior players.
