Youngest of the College's extra-curricular brood, the Students Association for Natural and Social Sciences will gather for the first time Thursday night in the Leverett House Junior Common Room to hear Harlow Shapley, Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy.
Formed to help inter-relate the natural and social sciences, SANSS plans to offer a series of speakers and discussion groups during the current term, leading off with the Shapley meeting Thursday. According to Horace W. Bernton '47, director of publicity, membership in SANSS is open to the whole University and Radcliffe.
Evaluate to Mediate
"We want to alleviate the antagonism between the natural and social sciences," asserted Bernton, "by evaluating the position of science in society."
Sponsored by Bart J. Bok, associate professor of Astronomy, Samuel A. Stouffer, professor of Sociology, and Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology, SANSS was organized late last summer by a group of science majors who felt their social training had been underemphasized.
To Ratify Constitution
At the end of Thursday's meeting, at which Shapley will talk on "International Operations of Science," the members of SANSS plan to ratify their provisional constitution and sign up new members; but Uco Van Wijk '45, provisional head of the group, emphasized that the meeting was open to all.
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