Among the papers in the brown envelope at registration, there generally appears one short white pasteboard card from PBH which asks all students to sign up for extracurricular philanthropic work. Office workers at PBH completed compilation of the cards yesterday and a drive is now on to sign up the men who registered interest in social service.
With 250 workers as their goal, co-Chairmen Norman H. Brooks '49 and Jay J. Meltzer '49, and a newly organized system of House leaders yesterday started a drive to recruit men for their committee. For the next week PBH workers plan to press the drive by putting fliers under every door in the University, and setting up PBH enlistment tables in the dining halls.
New recruits will be assigned to one of the 35 settlement houses in the Boston area to act as group leaders for classes of boys from 7 to 18 in various sports and hobby-crafts. Some also may be assigned to odd-time work as bringing groups of children to ballgames and the traditional distributing of baskets on the day before Thanksgiving.
Other PBH workers are currently engaged in preparations for the series of alphabetized Freshman teas which will be inaugurated next Monday at the Brooks House. Faculty wives will pour.
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