An overworked equipment custodian at the Dillon Field House wearily handed out 110 new sets of cleated shoes, shoulder pads, and moleskins yesterday as the first candidates for the House football teams passed his counter.
As more and more players drifted down to draw uniforms, Dolph Samborski, director of intramural athletics, said he expects that the total will eventually reach last year's high of 250 men.
Early Practice
Practice begins earlier than usual this year to make room for three days of general conditioning before the candidates are divided into individual House teams. Nine squads, seven from the Houses, one from Dudley, and one culled from the upperclassmen in the Yard, will compete for the grid title now held by Kirkland House and the 150 point handicap toward the Straus Trophy.
With the opening game slated for October 8, Samborski released the names of eight of his nine coaches and promised that the last will be named in the near future. The mentors already announced were Charley Mains, B.U.; Adam Elcewicz, Fordham; Frank Frisoli, Harvard; Thomas Curtin, B.C.; John Lindberg, Carnegie Tech; Dave Palmer, Hobart; Bill Newstetter, Pitt; and Dick Van Deusen, Williams.
They will probably be assigned to their own squads at the beginning of next week when the serious work will start.
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