
New Pediatric Service Gives Baby Complete Medical Care without Cost

After law student Jack Carlow's wife has her baby next week or the week after, his parental troubles are over instead of just beginning--at least concerning the health of his child.

For Carlow, like the veteran father of more than 1,500 kids in the University student community, will be the ultimate beneficiary of the new government sponsored Pediatric Service, which provides complete medical and surgical care virtually free of charge.

Since last Monday's opening only about half a dozen children have been dragged by the hand into the 79 Mt. Auburn Street headquarters. But a Service spokesman said yesterday that the expected nearly all of the 1,500 will be examined during the year.

All This And More

Besides periodic examinations, Carlow can expect free health and feeding supervision for his child as well as immunization shots and serums. If his boy or girl falls sick, he or she will get complete care in Carlow's Jarvis Court home, at the clinic, or at a hospital, whichever environment the malady requires.


Carlow will have to foot the bill only for common medicines, even especially expensive medicines will be supplied without charge.

The explanation behind all this medical care on the house is a government bureau requirement for data on the problems of child health. The Children's Bureau of the U. S. Federal Security Administration is making a study of the expense, medical, and administrative problems, of child health care and has financed the Pediatric Service to get the facts. This past year they conducted one at the University of Washington.

Operated by the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Service has provided a clinic here at the Employees' Clinic next to the Hygiene Building and the Hygiene Department Clinic at Devens.
