
Megaphone Trumpets For Tyro Cheerleaders

Concern over the fate of Varsity morals at the hands of traditional Ivy League nonchalance has driven Gerald Spear '48, chief cheerleader, to the brink of hysteria and into the public prints in an appeal for rah-rah organizers.

Even lusty regular cheer for the team, in which all hands enunciated a similar and exact number of rahs failed to cheer the morose Spear as he envisaged the winning touchdowns against Yale greeted with study and unorganized silence.

If the present rate of decline in student interest persists, Spear foresaw the possibility that lettermen will have to lead their own cheers, in addition to pursuing their activities on the field of honor. At worst, local heroes maybe forced to carry themselves from the field, a difficult task, or resort to old-fashioned walking, a most mundane method of egress.

To save Harvard athletics from the ignominy of such a future, the head wiggagger has called for candidates for the six vacancies in the choerleading corps. Preliminary trials and throat warming exercises will be held on the stops of the Indoor Athletic Building at 4 o'clock tomorrow.
