
Council Starts $25,000 Fund Drive

Contributions From 487 Freshmen Total $3,487 Opening Day

In the first step toward the $25,000 goal get for its 1947-48 service fund drive, the Student Council accepted 3,487 from incoming students during Freshman registration on Thursday and Friday. Contributions collected from the 487 students who have already paid their pledges averaged over the suggested $7 apices.

Council Treasurer Ray A. Goldherg '48 said last night that college participation in the fund drive will have to reach a 98 percent level in order to achieve the $25,000 figure. An intensive publicity campaign, featuring door-to-door appeals, will begin this week.

All Should Respond

"No matter how large the donation, every undergraduate should respond to the Council appeal," Goldberg said. In addition to the normal registration solicitations, the Council plans to employ every College publicity medium.

Distribution of Council funds earmarked for charity may be determined by a student poll another Council member intimated last night. Previously donations had been alloted on an arbitrary basis. If the proposed plan is carried out, students will be able to indicate personally preferred charities.


Certain amounts are already guaranteed to college activities, Goldberg said. Scholarship awards, National Students Association, Council committees, class activities, and routine expenses will account for $5,000, and Phillips Brooks House will receive its usual share.

Council officers on the second floor of the PBH building will be open Wednesday and every afternoon thereafter from 1 to 5 o'clock. Council members will be available to answer questions and accept payment of pledges.
