
Vets' Office Staff Acts to Expedite Fall Term Checks

Late subsistence checks will not bedevil the 450 "new" veterans who register today and tomorrow, if the Counsellor for Veterans office is successful in pursuing the plan of operations it, announced yesterday.

All Freshman veterans and all students coming to the College for the first-time under Public Law 346--the "G.I. Bill of Rights,"--will meet in New Lecture Hall next Thursday at 7:30 o'clock to fill out required Veterans Administration forms.

Old Vets Must Head for NLH

Ex-service men who register in Mem Hall on Monday will be shunted to New Lecture Hall as soon as they complete their registration, so that they can fill out the V. A. forms there. New Lecture Hall will be open from 8 to 6 o'clock to handle the 3,000 veterans who must go through the mill.

In case subsistence checks still arrive late the deans of most of the University's schools have agreed to make loans in emergency cases. This measure was decided on when an August survey showed 25 percent of the checks destined for College veterans overdue, with the figure rising to 35 percent for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.


Another move to speed checks on their way was announced recently when the Boston V.A. office ruled that veterans need not re-apply for their payments between terms, so long as the time between terms does not come to more than 15 days.
