8:30--6 o'clock: Registration in Memorial Hall for new students in Harvard College and students returning after an absence will be as follows: A-,M: 8:30--12 o'clock: N Z: 1--4 o'clock: all late arrivals: 4--6 o'clock. Assignments to Advisers will be included in the registration envelope of new students and of returning. Freshmen who have no completed two terms of residence in Harvard College. Other students will be advised by Departmental Representatives on Saturday and Monday in the fields in which they intend to concentrate or may apply for a Freshman Adviser at 9 University Hall.
Students taking English A anticipatory examination must register on Thursday.
8:30--1 o'clock: Registration continued in Memorial Hall for those new students and students returning after an absence who did not register today.
9--11 o'clock: Examination for exemption from English A, A--M, New Lecture Hall; N--Z, Emerson D, for (a) students returning from service in the armed forces; (b) students who have studied in other colleges; (c) those students entering from school who have been notified on the certificate of admission that they are eligible to take it. Freshmen catering from school and receiving no such notice are not eligible, but any veteran, including any former student who has passed English Aa but not Ab, may take the exemption examination if he wishes to do so.
11--12:30 o'clock: Reading Test. A'est to determine rate of speed and comprehension in reading. Required of all new students. A--M in New Lecture Hall; N--Z in Emerson D.
2--3:30 o'clock: Placement Test* in French. A--M in New Lecture Hall; N--Z in Emerson D.
3:45--5:15 o'clock: Placement Tests* in Latin and Physics, A--M in New Lecture Hall; N--Z in Emerson D.
5:30 o'clock: Meeting of Student Waiters at 29 Weld Hall.
7:30 o'clock: Reception for all new and returning students in Sanders Theater. Speakers: Thomas S. Lamont '21, Overseer; Provost Buck; Dean Bender.
9--10:30 o'clock: Placement Tests* in German and Spanish, A--M in New Lecture hall; N--Z in Emerson D.
10:45--12:15 o'clock: Placement Tests* in Chemistry and Latin, A--M in New Lecture Hall; N--Z in Emerson D.
8 o'clock: Informal Dance at Agassiz Hall to meet Radcliffe Freshmen.
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