Stillman infirmary's wards were as quiet as a mausoleum for no ominous reasons last Sunday with only one patient, and only one other moved in yesterday to preserve a record health mark for the University, and the year's all-time illness low.
College physician Andrew E. Contratto could advance no scientific explanation last night for the brimming vitality of the University community at this time. Recent low temperatures, he said, probably had nothing to do with it.
Lewis Krohn, second year graduate student in the Business School was the lone reclining Sabbath inhabitant of Stillman, and was the target of unlimited professional attention until his solitude was broken early yesterday morning by the arrival of Kendal M. Cole, 1L.
According to the Stillman staff "more people always get sick in the winter," but such was not the case in the summer school year of 1942 Contratto recalled. At this time the hospital optomistically closed three wards, only to be overwhelmed with poison ivy, bronchial complaints, and an epidemic of virus pneumonia.
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Conant, A New Philosopher of Science