
Assurances Rendered For Backing Album, Leventhal Announces

With "assurances" being given by the University that an alternative method of financing would be supplied in place of the old "purveyor" lists of advertisers, plans this week went ahead for publication of the '47-'48 Album and the '51 Register.

Robert S. Leventhal '48, Album co-business manager, announced yesterday that poll and biography blanks were now coming in for the publication, along with orders for copies.

At the same time, work was resumed on the '51 Register which, if the Council this fall decides to back financially, may be converted into the usual Freshman Red Book.

Last week's "assurances" were given after the Council had cancelled the Red Book and suspended the Album, as a result of the newly-formed University policy of witholding the purveyor lists from class publications.
