
Houses Build Tennis Court, Fix Old Dutch Clock with University Funds

What was only a set of plans last spring, is now reality as workmen put the finishing touches on House improvements financed by University grants of $6000 to each House.

Only Lowell has not yet decided upon a project. Improvements range from fixing an Old Dutch grandfather's clock in Dunster House to a new tennis court at Leverett. Music rooms, however, are the most frequent expenditure item.

Eliot House has a new instrumental room in the basement of A entry in addition to one in the tower which has been soundproofed. Workmen are now completing a record-storage room in the library and a record playing room in C-21.

Nearby Winthrop will have a music room in E entry as well as a completely redone Junior Common room in the fall. Across from Winthrop, Kirkland has moved its janitor's office to H entry, installed a music room in C entry, and recatalogued its library. Kirkland was the only House to install a booth for ticket sellers and poll distributors outside the dining hall.

Funsters Get Piano


Adams has now lighting in the library and a new music room in B entry basement. Only Leverett has a tennis court along with its music room in A-11. Dunster House bought a grand piano for its instrument rooms in A entry and fixed the Old Dutch clock.

Lowell House expects to decide on a suitable project when House Master Elliott Perkins '23 returns in September, Maurice M. Pochet, senior tutor of Lowell House, said yesterday. He added that because the dining hall was used this summer no repairs could be made there.
