Evacuation of British troops now occupying the Nile Valley and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan was demanded by Prime Minister Nokrashy Pasha of Egypt at Lake Success yesterday. It was the second time the African nation had made the appeal within a week, and British representative Sir Alexander Cadogan again replied with bitterness.
Prime Minister Attiee and his government survived by a narrow margin the onslaught of opposition leader Winston Churchill and division within their own ranks. Churchill last night called the Government "economic crisis" bill the equivalent of creating a dictatorship whose leader might be discarded at any moment.
Indonesian Republicans made their first contact with an American diplomatic representative yesterday, to take advantage of an earlier U.S. offer to arbitrate the conflict in the Dutch colonial possessions.
Investigation of the missing royal jewels of the late Princess Hermine, widow of Germany's last Kaiser, was dropped as an internal German affair by the U.S. Army's C.I.D. yesterday as they released Fraulein Vera Herbst, reputed consort of Hermine's son, Prince Ferdinand.
Flight of the loyalist Paraguayan government, president and cabinet, before a robel advance which took possession of two airports, was reported by Argentinian sources last night. President Higinie Morinigio was supposed to have set up his capital 130 miles further down the Paraguay River.
The weather: Fair and somewhat warmer today with temperatures in the middle eighties. Continued clear conditions tonight, with no alteration in temperature, and gentle variable winds.
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