"Roscoe Pound? He is the greatest jurist in your country. It takes many centuries to produce a man like that," Chao Lung Yang, director of the department of criminal affairs of the Chinese National Government declared last night. Chao is now in Cambridge after two months of European travel and three international legal conferences.
Pound, University professor emeritus, will accompany Chao when he returns to his homeland this September and will take up advisory duties in the Department of Justice in Nanking. "He is very popular and well known in my country," said Chao, recalling that on the Professor's visit last summer he was an official guest at the villa of President Chiang Kai Shek.
Commenting on the internal conditions of China, Chao described the prevailing hostilities as "not a civil war, but an international war in disguise," and "one of the fronts of Warld War III."
Russian Supplies
Government soldiers and sailors, he continued, have captured hundreds of Communist irregulars equipped with Russian field pieces and rifles. Chao declared that the Communists have pillaged the countryside of northern China, robbed the peasants of food, and shipped their loot across the border in return for weapons.
The revolutionaries, according to Chao, have also cut down all telegraph communication in areas they have invaded, so that it is impossible for the government to ascertain local conditions and remedy the famine in one province with the surplus of another.
"China will have no peace," he predicted, "until the Communists are eliminated. No coalition or compromise is possible with them. Make them a part of the government, and they immediately begin plans to take over complete control."
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