
300 Expected to Hear Hartz Talk at V-J Commemoration

More than 300 persons are expected to crowd into Emerson D Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, to hear Louis Hartz '40, assistant professor of Government, speak at what promises to be the largest all-College meeting of the term, marking the second anniversary of V-J Day.

Sponsored by the University chapter of the American Veterans Committee, the commemoration will begin with a short invocation by the Reverend Morris F. Arnold, rector of Grace Church, Medford.

"No AVC business meeting will precede the speaker," Stanley G. Karson '48, chapter chairman, said last night, emphasizing that the affair was a public one to which all interested persons were invited.

Although V-J Day anniversary ceremonies are expected to be held throughout the nation Thursday, the Emerson D meeting will be the only one at the University.

In addition to being a public commemoration, the event will be the last AVC general membership meeting of the summer term, Karson said.


Last year, no observation of the event was made at the University. However, in 1945, classes were not held Wednesday or Thursday in accordance with a two-day holiday proclaimed by President Truman.

Most of the University at that time was still engaged in training service men. The Naval ROTC followed the two-day vacation order, as did the Communications School, but Supply Corps personnel continued their work, marking V-J Day with a party.

The Army kept right on studying.
