Rushing to complete as much of their job as possible before the Fall influx of students, hundreds of workmen are now laboring on construction in all corners of the University.
One of the smallest jobs is the building of a boardwalk, which will again connect Houghton Library and the Union, by passing new construction on Lamont Library.
So far the biggest job is in the south-east corner of the Yard, where three steam shovels are still excavating for the new undergraduate library. Hindered in their efforts by the recent rainstorms which transformed the pit into a small sized lake, the workmen expect to complete excavation within two weeks.
Across the street from the new library is the Dana-Palmer house once resting on solid foundations. Before the house can act as the University's guest lodgings, the four condemned chimneys will have to be rebuilt.
In Emerson Hall, alterations are being made to accommodate enlarged facilities for the department of social Relations.
On Oxford Street, in a job which Edward Reynolds '15, administrative vice president of the University, called a "normal expansion," workmen are laying larger electrical cables necessary to carry the increased lead caused by the new cyclotron and other scientific apparatus in nearby buildings.
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