
Dean Backs Administration In Refusing Advertising Aid

Recommending that "alternative plans for advertising be canvassed," Dean Bender yesterday stated that he would make no effort to dissuade administrative officials of the stand in withholding purveyor lists from the Red Book and Album staffs.

Edward J. Reynolds '15, administrative vice-president, who is understood to have made the decision, was out of his office and unavailable for comment throughout the afternoon.

Dean Bender said that he felt it would "be regrettable" if the Albums and Red Books were to cease publication because of the move, but he declared "it is up to the administrative vice-president and the purchasing agent to decide."

He added, "I approve of their stand."

The Dean said the decision was not his, even though he approved of it, and that he would not intercede on behalf of the undergraduate publications.


It was also reported that he had told substantially the same thing to Michael Rothenburg '49, and Patrick D. Daily '50, summer representatives of the Student Council, who had interviewed him earlier on the matter.
