More examination bluebooks in the social studies area are lying on instructors desks today than in any other subject, Course enrollment figures released by the Registrar's office made apparent yesterday.
Most popular course in the most popular department of the University was Government 18 on International Politics under Associate Professor T. R. Fox of Yale, with 181 men. Second place honours also went to government with 159 enrolled in the Government 3 course on the Principles of Popular Government given by Louis Hartz '40, instructor in government.
German Holds Supremacy
German Aab for the second year in a row leads in the languages with 91; although French still holds the edge in overall popularity.
Required English A is not the largest course in the English department's repertoire as is usually the case with only 89 as compared to the 144 in the Shakespearean course given by Professor Willard Farnham of the University of California.
Courses in science tend to reflect the postwar trend to social studies for nowhere are individual course enrollments as high as last year. Among the leaders are Chemistry 3 with 78 and Applied Science 3b with 63. Mathematics Ab carries on with only 40 as compared with 132 in Mathematics Aa last year.
Perennial Philosophers
With 123 in Philosophy G Harvard is not devoid of its standard crop of budding thinkers. Always popular Philosophy Ab trails for once with but 74 enrollees. Social Relations shows on the other hand consistently high enrollments having 101 in Social Relations 19, 105 in Social Relations 28, and 116 in Social Relations 63.
Most of the Freshman courses reflect by their small numbers the high percentage of upper classmen here this summer. Unlike last year when Government 1, Economics A, and English A led in their respective fields the middle group courses show the heaviest enrollments.
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