
Early Council Action Begins '51's Redbook

Leventhal Calls for Temporary Board to Speed Production

Eager to get an early start on the '51 Redbook, Robert S. Leventhal '48, Student Council advisor, yesterday announced that a temporary committee would shortly be formed to do preliminary spadework.

Confronting the Redbook committee which will be selected temporarily on the basis of past experience from the now resident members of the Class of '51 will be the job of choosing a class photographer, signing a contract with a printing concern and mapping out tentative layouts.

Leventhal An Answer

The appointment of Leventhal as representative last May was the Student Council's answer to the invariable delay and general confusion which has plagued Redbooks in the past.

Prodding the Council to action last year was the muddled condition of the '49 Redbook, which found itself with a deficit and a sheaf of unpaid bills almost a year after the announced publication date.


Leventhal said that the temporary committee would succeed in getting the Redbook in progress even before fall, and thus be able to compile material on the largest non veteran Freshman class in Harvard history.

Register Returns

Next year will also see the return of the Class register, discontinued because of the war, he added. Containing the photographs and the names of the Freshman class, the register will come out before and in addition to the Redbook.

Photographs for the Register, which will appear some time before Thanks-giving, will be taken at the H.A.A. physical efficiency step test at the rate of 60 men per hour.

Leventhal stated that any Freshmen who were interested in working on the temporary committee should see him at the CRIMSON.
