
Alumni Exercises And Spreads End Week of Reunion

Conant, Gov. Bradford Address Meeting in Afternoon; Kane To Lead Alumni Procession

Following Commencement exercises this morning, the new and old graduates will gather in the awning-shaded Yard to partake of the annual Alumni Spreads. The main Spread starts at 12:15 o'clock in the Yard, while at the same time the Class of 1922 will be dining in the Straus Hall Quadrangle.

Shortly after the Alumni have had their fill. R. Keith Kane '22, Chief Marshal of the Alumni, will form the procession for the Exercises at the east end of Harvard Hall.

Procession Starts at 1:30

Beginning about 1:30 o'clock the procession will wend beneath the elms and then pass before President Conant and other dignitaries standing on Widener steps.

Laird Ball '04, President of the Harvard Alumni Association, is to preside at the Alumni Exercises, and some of the honorary degree recipients may add a few words to the formal addresses of President Conant and Governor Bradford. In case of rain, the Exercises will retreat to Sanders Theatre, but the Spreads will still be held beneath the sheltering awnings in the Yard.
