
News, Finance Hawks Get Last Draught at Crime Brew Fest

Would-be newshawks and financiers scared away by Tuesday night's incipient rain will have another chance to get into the CRIMSON's summer competitions for the news and business boards tonight by coming around to 14 Plympton Street at 7:30 o'clock.

Cold beer will once again be served by smiling waiters, with pretzels for those who missed their dinner in order to be on hand.

Freshmen and first term Sophomores are eligible for both boards, while men up through their fourth term may be considered for the business board.

This is the last time the avenue of escape from summertime ennui will open. Those who would like to write with the pen of a Greeley, or even those who would just like to learn how old Horace made his money are advised to drop in.
