
Fellowships Awarded for Travel, Study

Graduates Win Shaw, Sheldon, Fiske and Henry Grants to Continue Their Work Abroad

Four just-graduated Seniors and ten graduate students have been awarded 14 fellowships providing for study and travel abroad, the University announced today.

The Henry Russell Shaw Travelling Fellowship, which provides a graduating Senior with a few months of European travel, was awarded to Stephen T. Boggs '45, a graduate summa cum laude in psychology.

Frederick Sheldon Travelling Fellowships, designed "to further the education of students of promise and standing in the University by providing them with facilities for further education by travel after graduation" were awarded to three undergraduates and seven graduate students.

Fellowship Recipients

Undergraduate recipients of the Fellowship were: David G. Gill '46, a graduate magna cum laude in economics; Henry B. Helson '47, a graduate summa cum laude in mathematics; and Truman O. Woodruff '46, a graduate summa cum laude in physics.


Graduate students receiving Sheldon Travelling Fellowships are: John M. Blum '43 2G, history; Constantine P. Cavarnos '42 3G, philosophy; Arthur P. Gardner 3G, Germanic languages and literatures; John M. Maxon 3G, fine arts; Charles L. Remington 1G, biology; Thomas C. Smith 1G, history; and Henry T. Dohrman, Jr., Gr. Dv., theology.

Flake, Henry Awards

The Lieutenant Charles Henry Fiske, 3rd, Scholarship for study at the University of Cambridge, England, was awarded to Edmond La Beaume Cherbonnier 2G, a graduate cum laude in geological science.

The Fiske Scholarship was founded in 1919 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fiske, Jr., in memory of their son, Charles H. Fiske 3d, of the Class of 1919, who was killed in the First World War.

Henry Fellowships, which provide for a year's study at an English University, were awarded earlier to John M. Naff, Jr. 3L, who will study at Oxford University, and to Harold W. Smith '44 1G, who will study at Cambridge University.
