
Veterans Office Will Shed Burdens; Monro Prepares to Assume Control

Admissions Committee to Take Future Veteran Applications; Weld Hall Spaces Diminished

As the summer term begins with a predominantly veteran enrollment, paradoxically the Veterans Office, under the watchful eye of Counsellor-elect John U. Monro '34, will move ahead with a slimming-down project, which will turn veteran applicants over to the Committee on Admissions.

The Office will continue to administer to veteran students in the University, however, acting as a liaison with the Veterans Administration in Washington and checking book authorizations and subsistence checks.

Takes Over July 1

Monre, who will officially replace Dean elect Wilbur J. Bender '27 as head of the Weld Hall maze on July 1, explained that previously all applicants were considered on their war service record but now can be lumped with applicants direct from secondary school.

Actually, the reversion of applications to the Admissions Committee will not be completed until after next September's registration when the last cohesive group of former servicemen enters the College.


Third Floor Vacated

Already the Office has shut down its third-floor suite of rooms in Weld and, despite the renewed mass of business in the fall, all the work will be conducted in offices on two floors in the south wing. Robinson Hall will remain as a clearinghouse for book authorizations until Friday.

Having served in the Navy during the war, the new director, Monro, is a veteran himself as well as having been connected with the University, except for his tour of duty, ever since his graduation from the College.
