
The Mail

To the Editors of the Crimson:

While you fellows have been tinkering around with all the petty issues of UN and those Russians, you have utterly failed to attack one of the most heinous practices in this fair land of ours. What is it, you may ask with a sneer. Of course it is the custom of the intentional pass--in baseball. Now listen: I enjoy baseball, love to see the Red Sox play. I go out on a warm June afternoon to see Williams slug away, and what inevitably happens? There are men on second and third and Williams is up. Even the little thrill of pleasure that makes me quiver to think that I can predict a play is not enough to offset the tragic disappointment when the great Ted has to drop his bat and sidle to first. It is the great flaw in the American psyche. And how would you like to be the guy (poor bastard) who they walk Williams to get to. He's the fellow who will then hit into a double play. Imagine how he feels, letting his teammates down to the sound of icy silence from the stands. Soon the fellow's a neurotic. And who's the gainer? Not the other team, because as soon as they walk a guy like that, there's a jinx on them, and for all they know he'll hit a grand slam homer. Not Williams; it doesn't help his batting average. Not Lee Durocher; he's out of baseball for a while, my friends down in Brooklyn tell me.

You get my point, see. And I'm mad; you can see that too. But let's hit the more general and dilatory aspects of this epistle. The intentional pass is an example of the great American conscience which us intellectuals are so concerned about. That is obvious as all hell. How can love and temperance come back when men don't have to fight for what they get from providence, be it a base on balls or a woman or a colony. This thing has wide applications, which I want you to investigate. See what you can do for our mothers and wives, and for the little ones who may grow up to be even greater than our wonderful sluggers. Wipe the pitcher who passes off the field, send him to the showers, both hot and cold, bean him when he gets to bat, do anything, but don't let him give free bases on balls; it's undermining our culture and our very existence. And it was probably started by the * communists. Nosgood S. Persifiage.

*Consored by editors
