
Over the Wire

Will Fight, Says Wallace

WASHINGTON, June 15--Henry A. Wallace said today that the United States and Britain "would fight" if Russia should attempt to expand southward into Turkey in the vicinity of the Arabian oil fields and the Soviets should be told so.

Wallace, here for a speech tomorrow night, told a news conference that Soviet expansion across Europe would be a threat to world peace and Russia should be told there is a point beyond which she could not go. That point, he added, is near control Turkey or the approaches to the Middle East oil.

While declaring that the United States and Britain "would fight" if Russia over invaded Turkey with troops, Wallace said be seen no evidence that she threatens to do so.

"I am not a war monger," said the former Vice-President and critic of President Truman's foreign policy, "but it is important for Russia to know there is a point beyond which she shouldn't go without awakening resistance. I'm confident our Navy would fight if she got into Turkey because our Navy is determined to get Saudi-Arabian oil. But that oil should be made available to all countries."
