
Lacrosse Team Plays New Hampshire Here Tomorrow as '50, J.V. Nines Oppose Yale

Hansen Will Hurl for Freshman Against Slugging Elis; Junior Varsity Bows to Suffolk, 7-2

Home games with Yale will be tomorrow's bill of fare for the Freshman and Junior Varsity baseball teams, both contests being scheduled for 3 o'clock on Solders Field.

Yesterday the Jayvees played host to Suffolk University and succumbed, 7 to 2, when the visitors broke a scoreless tie in the eighth inning to score all their runs.

Nadherny Heads Blue Bats

Ferdy (The Bull) Nadherny of gridiron and basketball fame heads a list of long ball hitters among the Eli yearlings. In commenting on Crimson prospects, Coach Mee Berg said yesterday, "We got lots of men on base but we have trouble getting them in." Berg plans to throw his ace lefthander John Hansen into the fray tomorrow, while standing pat on the rest of the lineup.

For the Jayvees, Lloyd Harper will pitch either Landon Clay or Sid Greeley. His team will be hurt by the loss of third basemen Durant and pitcher Turner, who will go south with the Varsity.


Yesterday's Junior Varsity lineup--cf, Connally; 2b, Ragle; if, Ellis; 1b, Davis; ss, Adler; 3b, McDermott; rf, MacNutt; c, Strout; p. Bresnahan Greeley, Bennet.
