
Hrabious Crimeds Dine on Runcihle Poon, Detging All Predictions in 23-2 Clambake

With clear, cold May skies overcoming the handicaps of a rain-soaked season, a resurgent Crimson nine spanked out a surprisingly easy 23-2 victory over an outclassed Lampoon aggregation on Soldiers Field yesternoon afternoon.

Twenty-three runs to the good after the opening pitch, Harry (The Cat) Ludendorf held the pawky 'Poon hitters in check until the last half of the first inning, when four sacrifices combined to give the Funnymen their two runs.

Star of the walkaway victory was Backyard Stupor, who reeled off gains of 45 and 65 yards to tally twice for the Plympton marauders. Behind good blocking and spirited team play, run after run crossed the platter before the Dutch Tile merchants could organize their defense. Only Minus Goodenough failed to score for the journalists in the free-for-all hitting contest.

Said Coach "Pop" Ro when darkness had closed over the field of play, "That Emmons has legs like Marion. We never had a chance."
