
Tennis Team to Face Jumbo Varsity Today; '50 Tackles Andover

"We're going to go on looking pretty and until the weather gives us a break and we get in some practice," was Coach Barnaby's sole comment as the Varsity tennis team prepared to travel to Medford to face Tufts today. Although Harvard has never dropped a match to the Jumbos, Barnaby refuses to go out on a limb about today's match.

Tomorrow will also see the Freshmen team journeying to Andover to stake its one and one record against the schoolboy Varsity.

The Varsity Lineup: Singles: Backe, Tufts, Wightman, Pratt, Warren and Schwartzman.

The Freshman Lineup: Singles: Hughes, Nicholl, Frey, Kaynes, Deane, and Preston. Alternates: Zinsser, Cohodes, and Damon.
