
Three Will Speak At HLU Meeting On Labor Tonight

In the final phase of its drive to stimulate student letters and telegrams to Congress on the subject of labor legislation now pending in Washington, the Liberal Union will sponsor a symposium entitled. "What About Labor Legislation" at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Emerson D.

John T. Dunlop, associate professor of Economics, will be one of three top labor authorities scheduled to speak on the subject this evening. The other speakers are Archibald M. Cox '34, professor of Law, and Clinton S. Golden, lecturer at the Business School on leave from the C.I.O. United Steelworkers Union.

The main subject for tonight's discussion, which will be open to the public, is the "omnibus" labor bill, now up for consideration before the Senate.

Action taken up to now by the HLU in its campaign against labor curbs like those proposed by the omnibus bill includes a Hootenanny, held last month, at which George Markham of the C.I.O. Fur Workers Union spoke, and the distribution of a C.I.O. pamphlet throughout the College.

An HLU brief on labor laws and a meeting which resulted in more than 40 telegrams to President Truman and various members of the Senate are the two other official protests made by the group against the proposed laws.
