Tryouts for roles in the Veterans' Theater Workshop's forthcoming production of William Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part One, will take place in Sanders Theatre on Monday and Tuesday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock, the VTW announced last night.
H. M. Temple, 3rd '47 who will direct the play, said that the reading for the tryouts will come mainly from Act one, scene one; Act three, scenes one and three; and Act four. Students who are selected for parts will be expected to learn their roles during the summer vacation, Temple said.
Early Start Is Innovation
Starting the casting for a production so early is an innovation for the Workshop, Jerome Kilty '50, president of the organization, said. By gaining an early start, the VTW hopes to eliminate academic worries for its cast when school-work resumes next fall.
Shakespeare was a close second to George Bernard Shaw in a poll taken by the VTW among undergraduates last term to determine what kind of drama students here wanted. The Workshop produced Shaw's "Saint Joan" last term, and the coming production is the answer to the second request.
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