
Commencement Closed To Fall, Winter Grads

New Alumni May Attend Most Senior Functions as Guests; Diplomas Conferred June 5

Only graduating Seniors will participate in all of the scheduled Commencement Week festivities, the 1947 Class Committee announced yesterday as it released nearly completed plans for the traditionladen affair.

Men who have graduated since the last formal exercise a year ago may apply for guest tickets to the Commencement rites June 5 but will not attend the baccalaureate service the preceding Sunday. They may buy tickets for Class Day festivities, but will not wear caps and gowns.

Senior Spread June 3

The ivy-draped week will be ushered in with the baccalaureate services in Memorial Church Sunday June 1, and will be followed Tuesday evening by the Senior Spread, a formal dance in Lowell House Courtyard from 9 to 3 o'clock. The tariff, including a midnight buffet supper for two, will be eight dollars.

Busiest day of the week will be Wednesday, with a baseball game, luncheon, concert, buffet supper, dance and more tradition on tap. The morning will be taken up by the formal Class Day exercises in the House triangle, including the Class Oration, Poem, Ode and Ivy Oration followed by an outdoor luncheon. Cap and gown clad Seniors will be admitted to the Class Day rites free of charge, and the regular admission fee will be fifty cents. Luncheon will cost $1.50 per plate.


Yale will provide the opposition for the Varsity baseball team at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field and a buffet supper in Kirkland House, also at $1.50 a head, will be followed by a concert by the Glee Club and Band. An informal dance in Kirkland House will top off the evening. A change in plans permits purchase of tickets for the concert alone.

House Rules Eased

Commencement exercises will climax the five-day celebration with the bestowing of degrees in the Yard Thursday morning. Alumni exercises will be held that afternoon. Parietal rules have been liberalized to allow 9 o'clock room permission Tuesday and Wednesday.
