
Alumni Clubs Hear Conant, Bender Talks

Ralph Lowell Chosen President At 50th Anniversary Meeting In Milwaukee Over Weekend

President Conant and Dean-elect Bender summarized last weekend the state of the University for the gathered members of the Associated Harvard Clubs, celebrating their fiftieth anniversary meeting in Milwaukee.

Prior to speeches by the two University officials, and Earnest A. Hooton, professor of Anthropology, and Dean C. Sidney Burwooell, of the Medical School, Ralph Lowell '12, a Boston bunker, was elected president of the organization for the ensuing year, succeeding John S. Fleek '15, of St. Louis, Dwight P. Robinson, Jr. '20, also of Boston, was chosen treasurer.

In his report to the alumni at the annual dinner Saturday night, President Conant showed how the University was "meeting the needs of the world today" in another way besides the traditional one of training the coming generation.

Lists Nieman Fellows

He listed the Nieman Fellows in Journalism, the Advanced Management Group at the Business School, the Labor Fellows in the School, of Public Administration, and the Littauer Fellows in Public Administration in the second category of "getting knowledge directly to the men who must make decisions in the world today."


Bender outlined the present situation in the College with emphasis on the veterans' role. In addition, he reiterated the University's promise that tuition will not rise next year as in other colleges, but warned that it may go up when enrollment decreases.
