
Milwaukee Plays Host to Harvard Clubs Tomorrow

Milwaukee, ancient home of German-American brewers, will be the mecca for thousands of Harvard men this week as the Associate Harvard Clubs open their 50th anniversary meeting tomorrow in the midwestern malt center. At the conclave, which will last for three days, countless University officials, including President Conant and alumni notables are scheduled to report on the state of the Harvard community.

Hooton to Speak

A dinner ion Saturday night stands out as the main event of 72 hours of speech-making, information-giving, and convivial mingling. At the dinner President Conant will report on the University following speeches by the retiring and incoming presidents of the Associated Harvard Clubs.

Lectures by Earnest A. Hooton, professor of Anthropology, and Sumner H. Slichter, Lamont University Professor of Economics, on "Diverse Shapes of Men" and "Economic Perspective" are added attractions, while G. Wallace Woodworth '24, professor of Music, will judge a barbershop quartet contest on the second day.
