
Conant Reiterates Plea for Federal Aid to Education

Faculty scientific schooling is "dissipating our greatest source of wealth: the young people of the nation," President Conant declared last night at an academic dinner in Chicago.

Speaking at ceremonies in honor of George Stoddard, newly-installed president of the University of Illinois, President Conant advocated the establishment of Federal aid for scientific schooling along the lines of the Taft bill now before Congress.

Backs National Program

"We should make a start toward a national professional scholarship and fellowship program," he added, advocating the use of "Federal funds to a limited degree to keep the road to the universities open o outstanding talent from all economic levels."

Carefully distinguishing between local control of public education and the proposed plan, the President pointed out that "the selection and education of our professional men is a matter of national concern," and backed the proposed National Science Foundation as a "promising beginning" along these lines.
