Eliot and Winthrop ended their intramural baseball seasons in a tie for first place with six wins and one loss apiece, as the Mastodons defeated Leverett yesterday, 5 to 3, in their final game. It was one of six contests on the inter-House diamonds, including three doubleheaders, to fill in holes in the schedule caused by earlier washouts.
Meanwhile, a fifth crew was added to today's finals at 6 o'clock on the Charles over the Henley course. Kirkland House romped home a quarter of a length ahead of Adams in a special race yesterday designed to settle a disqualification dispute in Wednesday's second heat. By vote of Adolph Samborski and House secretaries, Kirkland will compete today with Wednesday's four qualifiers--Eliot, Leverett, Lowell, and Winthrop.
As the House tennis tourney approaches its final stages, Bill Eustis of Winthrop is pitted against Dunster's Dick Firth in one semi-final match, while T.A. Gresbam of Leverett, another semifinalist, is waiting for his next opponent to emerge from the ranks.
Young Wins for Eliot
Returning to the baseball scene, Johnny Young survived a troublesome third inning to pitch Eliot to its crucial win over Leverett, while the Bunnies went on to drop the other end of a doubleheader to Adams House, 9 to 4. Elight runs in the last of the third aided Gold Coast hurler Charlie Holt to Victory. Wednesday, Leverett was more fortunate in edging Dunster, 4 to 1, behind the one-hit pitching of lean and hungry Norm Cameron, Dudley defaulted to Adams in an earlier game yesterday afternoon.
On the softball front, undefeated Eliot downed Kirkland, 4 to 0. Once-defeated Winthrop edged Dunster, 10 to 8 after Dudley had downed the Funsters, 5 to 3.
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