
University to Appoint Alfred L. Kroeber as Temporary Professor

Alfred L. Kroeber, generally recognized as the leading social anthropologist in the country, has been appointed as visiting professor at the University for 1947-48, Talcott Parscus, Chairman of the Department of Sociology, disclosed yesterday. Kroeber is at the present time professor of Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley.

The new appointee, who was born in Hoboken and educated at Columbia, is the author of "Configurations of Culture Growth," a study of civilizations after the manner of Spengler and Toynbee, which has been widely acclaimed since its publication two years ago. He was recently awarded the Viking Medal for the most distinguished contributions to the study of anthropology during the last decade, and has also done extensive work in archaeology and linguistics.

Kroeber will give two half-courses, the first for undergraduates and the second primarily for graduates. During the fall he will conduct Social Relations 22 on "The Nature of Culture," a course not originally scheduled for next year. In the spring he will have Social Relations 222, a somewhat similar course for graduates.
