
Over the Wire Debate on Labor Curb Bill to End In Senate Today; Marshall Wants Further Soviet Accord on Korea

Labor Debate Ends

WASHINGTON, May 12 Senator Hatch (D-NM) expressed belief today that President Truman would vote the pending labor dispute bill, as the Republican leadership won agreement for a final Senate vote tomorrow.

Hatch, a close friend of the President's, told the Senate, however, that he will vote for the measure in the hope that provisions acceptable to Mr. Truman can he worked out in conference with the House.

He declared that "neither party would gain" politically by a vote and expressed hope that nobody is "trying to put the President of the United States on the spot."

The agreement, reached on the twelfth day of sharp give-and-take over proposed checks on strikes and union practices, calls for an end of debate at 12:30 o'clock.

At that hour the Senate will start balloting on any pending amendments, including a motion by 11 Democrats to substitute a milder bill.
