
HDC to Stage Play Series on WHDH in Fall

Allegretti Plans Weekly Shows In Addition to Four Stage Performances During Year

Twenty-four hours after the final curtain on "June and the Paycock," HDC President Ted, Allegretti '47 is already busy with an ambitious dramatic program for the 1947-48 season. In addition to a proposed-season of four College productions, he plans to branch out into the field of radio with a series of weekly performances over Station WHDH next year.

Starting with a nucleus of talent from his own organization, Allegretti hopes to incorporate other local talent, both from within the College and from such sources of talent as Radcliffe and Wellesley. This radio group will supplant the HDC's present reading theater group, and "will be an opportunity to go into far more ambitious productions than the limited facilities at College will allow," he predicts. "With their equipment we can even put on Orson Welles type shows."

More Experimental Work

Though this radio series and an expanded program of stage performances, Allegretti plans to maintain the HDC's present program of experimental theater rather than well-known hits. "A College group has the opportunity to present drama that would not be apt to be seen elsewhere and yet is definitely worthwhile, "he said in outlining a broad plan of stage productions for next year. "And we will continue to put on plays that are not only designed for the public but for the actors themselves."

He hopes to carry out this policy by inaugurating a program of four plays a year covering Continental, British, American, and experimental works of several types and periods.
